About Us
The Battery Alliance is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation organized under New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. We are an all-volunteer organization comprised of local homeowners like yourself. Our singular purpose is to restore Battery Park City, the neighborhood we love, back into place where working people can once more afford to own homes and raise families. Unfortunately, an egregious ground lease, and gross mismanagement by the state-run Battery Park City Authority, have made this future impossible. Our five-point plan aims to restore affordable homeownership. Please use our message box to send a one-click message to area elected and public officials to share your support. And contact us to find out how else you can help. Thank you!

Daniel Akkerman, President of The Battery Alliance
Daniel has been a Battery Park City resident since 2012 and like many in the neighborhood bought his home due to the community’s beautiful parks and with the belief that homeownership would be a wise way to stabilize his housing costs. Shortly after moving to his new apartment, Daniel successfully ran for a position on the Board of Managers of his condominium (Hudson View West), he has served as a member of the buildings Board for nearly 8 years – the bulk of that time as President. In that role he has seen firsthand the harm that has been caused by the egregious ground lease terms, unfair PILOT policy, and slow but steady drop in park maintenance. As a concerned citizen who saw the value of his home dwindle because of government policies, Daniel joined the Battery Park City Homeowners Coalition to attempt to negotiate the above issues with the Battery Park City Authority, the community’s landlord. After realizing that they were not acting in good faith, Daniel and John launched the Battery Alliance to organize the community and advocate this pressing issue to governments officials including elected officials.

John Dellaportas. Vice President of The Battery Alliance
John and his wife Lisa have been Battery Park City residents since 1994, and unit owners since 1997. John has served on the Board of Managers of his condominium (Liberty House) since 2003, including a stint as Board President from 2013 to 2019. In addition, John served as President of the Battery Park City Homeowners Coalition from 2016 to 2020, and as President of Stop the Chop NYNJ, Inc. (an environmental organization dedicated to eliminating non-essential aircraft-based pollution from skies and waterways) from 2016 to 2020. In 2020, John partnered with Daniel to launch the Battery Alliance, following years of bad faith negotiating, corruption and mismanagement by the Battery Park City Authority, and in particular its clownishly incompetent President, BJ Jones.

Timothy Mccormack. Social Media Director of The Battery Alliance
Timothy has been a Battery Park City resident since 2004. Shortly after the tragic events of 9/11, Timothy’s parents faithfully decided to purchase a unit in 200 Rector Place (Liberty Court), where they still reside. Like many in the neighborhood, Timothy covets the beautiful outdoor scenery of Battery Park City, especially the esplanade, and the numerous parks. Additionally, Timothy commends Battery Park City’s exceptionally strong and friendly community. Though Timothy does not own a unit personally, Timothy is extremely devoted to preserving the sanctuary that he considers Battery Park City to be, and is thus concerned with any and all issues that plague the neighborhood. Timothy’s attention towards the neighborhood’s problems led him to join John and Daniel at The Battery Alliance in 2021, assisting in preserving and bettering the neighborhood.