The Battery Alliance
The Problem:
The Battery Park City Authority Is Making Homeowners Unaffordable for All But The Wealthiest.
Battery Park City, a community developed to provide affordable housing, is being destroyed by failures of the state and the city. Home values are being wiped away by exorbitant and increasing ground lease and PILOT fees, to the point that homeownership in some buildings costs more than renting. Moreover, the egregious sums paid by homeowners in the community are not being spent on the community but instead are being wasted on needless pork barrel spending projects, resulting in the decline of our community. While homeowners have tried to work with relevant governmental authorities to address these issues, those in power have only kicked the can down the curb, rather than help find a solution.
Instead of letting them continue to disregard our concerns while wiping away home values, The Battery Alliance is organizing local homeowners to advocate for measures to save our community. We need your support to make sure local homeowner voices are heard by government officials. If you agree with our plan, please contact our elected officials and the Battery Park City Authority using the form on this page.
The Solution:
NY State legislation to solve the homeownership affordability crisis in Battery Park City.
Please use the form below to let our government officials know you are a concerned Battery Park City homeowner who supports the passage of BPC homeownership affordability legislation. (Below is some suggested text, which you should feel free to customize.)